Do You Know Your Least Preferred Co-Worker Test
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Used to measure a person's leadership style by allowing participants to describe a coworker with whom they had difficulty completing a job - not necessarily someone they dislike, but someone with whom you least like to work with.
Tests are essential because they will help you measure the skills gap of your client. When participants' skills get assessed and then restudy material, they learn more from the coaching or training than they would if they did without taking a test. This test will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox.
This easy-to-use test is one of a collection recommended to use a range of activities that require participants to test, monitor, judge, or critique readings, performances, or products against established criteria or standards. These activities might include Psychometric, MCQs, journals, diaries, critiques, problem sets, product reviews, case studies.
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