Quick Tests Bundle
Tests are essential because they will help you measure the skills gap of your client. When participants' skills get assessed and then restudy material, they learn more from the coaching or training than they would if they did without taking a test. This easy-to-use bundle will help your clients become more aware of areas that need improvement with leadership skills, performance enhancement, Anger Management, Project management, Time Management, Influence and Persuasion, Decision Making and Problem Solving, NLP and Memory, Training Trainers, Team Building and Communication.
This bundle has twenty-eight tests suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each test will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox.
To buy all the Tests, hit the buy button at the bottom of the page. To read more on each category, hit the sub-headers or click single products.
PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT TESTS: Tests are essential because they will help you measure the skills gap of your client. When participants' skills get assessed and then restudy material, they learn more from the coaching or training than they would if they did without taking a test. This easy-to-use bundle will help your clients become more aware of areas that need improvement with skills in; effective time management, organizational skills, self-growth and awareness, and reaching goals.
This bundle has five tests suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each test will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. (Are You Organized? - Are You a Procrastinator? - What is Your Learning Style? - Are You a Life Long Learner? - Are You Aware of Your Self Worth? ) |
LEADERSHIP TESTS: Tests are essential because they will help you measure the skills gap of your client. When participants' skills get assessed and then restudy material, they learn more from the coaching or training than they would if they did without taking a test. This easy-to-use bundle will help your clients become more aware of areas that need improvement with leadership skills and skills in; understanding personality types, dealing with challenging personalities, succession planning readiness, managing risk, influencing others, and hiring the right people, and more!
This bundle has thirteen tests suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each test will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. ( What is Your Personality Type? - Do You Know Your Least Preferred Co-worker? - Are You a Micro Manager? - Can You Develop Succession Plans? - Can You Manage Risks? - Can You Plan for Recruitment? - Are You an Effective Recruiter? - Are You an Influencer? - Are You Ready to Manage People? - Are You a Life-Long Learner? - Can You Hire/Fire Professionally? - What is Your Learning Style? - Can You Control Your Anger? ) |
PROJECT MANAGEMENT TESTS: Tests are essential because they will help you measure the skills gap of your client. When participants' skills get assessed and then restudy material, they learn more from the coaching or training than they would if they did without taking a test. This easy-to-use bundle will help your clients become more aware of areas that need improvement with skills in; Project management, effective time management, risk tolerance, readiness to hire/fire, and organizational skills.
This bundle has fifteen tests suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each test will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. ( Are You a Micro Manager? - Do You Understand Risk Concepts? - Can You Effectively Manage Time? - Can You Develop Succession Plans? - Is Your Succession Plan Effective? - What is Your Risk Tolerance? - Can You Manage Risks? - Can You Plan for Recruitment? - Are You an Effective Recruiter? - Do You Have Project Management Basics? - Are You Ready to Manage People? - Can You Schedule Efficiently? - Are You a Procrastinator? - Can You Hire/Fire Professionally? - Are You Organized? ) |
ANGER MANAGEMENT TESTS: Tests in store ( Can You Control Your Anger? - Are You Aware of Your Self Worth? - Irrational Beliefs Test - Emotional Disturbances Worksheet )
TIME MANAGEMENT TESTS: Test in store ( Can You Effectively Manage Time? - Can You Schedule Efficiently? - Are You a Procrastinator? - Are You Organized? )
INFLUENCE AND PERSUASION TESTS: Tests in store ( Are You an Influencer? - Are You Aware of Your Self Worth? - Guilt Quiz )
DECISION MAKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING TESTS: Tests in store ( Can You Advertise for Hiring? - Can You Manage Risks? )
NLP AND MEMORY TESTS: Tests in store ( Emotional Disturbances Worksheet - Are Your Aware of Your Self Worth? - Irrational Beliefs Test - Can You Control Your Anger? )
TRAIN THE TRAINER TESTS: Tests in store ( Are You a Life-Long Learner? - What Is Your Leadership Style? )
TEAM BUILDING TESTS: Tests in store ( What Is Your Leadership Style? - Were You Properly Oriented to Your New Job? - Do You Know Your Least Preferred Co-worker? )
COMMUNICATION SKILLS TESTS: Tests in store ( What's Your Leadership Style? - What is Your Learning Style? - Social Personality Type? )