Online Business Case Study
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This case study will help your trainees brainstorm creative ideas to help fund their online business.
Using case studies in your training or coaching will help your participants relate to the theories you explain. Case studies help trigger creativity and innovation while generating new ideas or solutions within a group. Case Studies are essential because they act as instructive examples to people who might encounter similar real-life problems.
This useful case study is one of a collection to develop your clients' skills in Creativity and dealing with change.
Why do you need Case Studies in your training courses?
Case studies address a problem, and solutions are important because they explain how problems are solved. One great thing about case studies is that they rely on the stories or situations, so you can quickly relate to and, in turn, analyze and relate to the given problem. Here, the instructor can facilitate to participants to follow a systematic approach in their problem solving congruent with the course's objective.
Such activities help create a framework for better analysis where the participants should to seek innovative approaches based on their role relative to the people involved in the case. This activity highly engages the students by forcing them to understand different perspectives of the case's characters.
Important guidelines to follow to make the best out of case studies in your training:
Case studies address a problem, and solutions are important because they explain how problems are solved. One great thing about case studies is that they rely on the stories or situations, so you can quickly relate to and, in turn, analyze and relate to the given problem. Here, the instructor can facilitate to participants to follow a systematic approach in their problem solving congruent with the course's objective.
Such activities help create a framework for better analysis where the participants should to seek innovative approaches based on their role relative to the people involved in the case. This activity highly engages the students by forcing them to understand different perspectives of the case's characters.
Important guidelines to follow to make the best out of case studies in your training:
- Give authority to your participants when you enable them to break down the problem and maneuver a set of given or created tools to resolve the situation.
- Emphasize specific takeaways and use them as a framework for the problem.
- Start conversations, brainstorming, and creative problem-solving.
- Include some reading assignments that can be useful when applied to the case.
- Allow for group discussion to guide participants through the interpretation and application of suggested solutions.
- If there is a large number of students in the room, divide them into groups. Allow each group A few minutes to discuss the case questions, then ask each group representative to explain their group's reasoning and answer.
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