Case Studies Bundle
Using case studies in your training or coaching will help your participants relate to the theories you explain. Case studies help trigger creativity and innovation while generating new ideas or solutions within a group. Case Studies are essential because they act as instructive examples to people who might encounter similar real-life problems. This useful bundle includes case studies to develop your clients' skills in Team Building, NLP and Memory, Project Management, Creativity and Dealing with Change, Leadership, Time Management, Marketing and Branding, Influence and Persuasion, Decision Making, and Problem Solving.
This bundle has twenty-one case studies suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each case study will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox.
To buy all the Case Studies, hit the buy button at the bottom of the page. To read more on each category, hit the sub-headers or click single products.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT CASE STUDIES: Using case studies in your training or coaching will help your participants relate to the theories you explain. Case studies help trigger creativity and innovation while generating new ideas or solutions within a group. Case Studies are essential because they act as instructive examples to people who might encounter similar real-life problems. This useful bundle includes case studies to develop your clients' skills in Project Management, cost allocation, persuading stakeholders, staffing, resource allocation, and assessing performance.
( Banquet Party - Fried Bites - Kyashi Movers - The Mansfields Project - Temptations - Performance appraisal - Catch Up ) |
LEADERSHIP CASE STUDIES: Using case studies in your training or coaching will help your participants relate to the theories you explain. Case studies help trigger creativity and innovation while generating new ideas or solutions within a group. Case Studies are essential because they act as instructive examples to people who might encounter similar real-life problems. This useful bundle includes case studies to develop your clients' leadership skills, effective delegation, assertive communication across teams, successful team hiring retention, and appraisal.
This bundle has five case studies suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each case study will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. ( Delegation Dilemma - Red Rhino - Zolo Voyages - Kyashi Movers - Performance appraisal ) |
CREATIVITY AND DEALING WITH CHANGE CASE STUDIES: Case Studies in Store ( Online Business - Williams Printing )
TIME MANAGEMENT CASE STUDIES: Case Studies in Store ( Charlie Procrastinator - Overwhelmed Derek - Shirley Muze is Late Again )
MARKETING AND BRANDING CASE STUDIES: Case Studies in Store ( JC Penny Tweets - Zee ipads )
INFLUENCE AND PERSUASION CASE STUDIES: Case Studies in Store ( Alpha Catering Company - Super Sue - Catch Up )