Positive Affirmations to Demolish Past Shame
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Having a tough time These positive affirmations will help you forgive yourself, make peace, resolve your past feeling of shame. A user guide is included.
Research about the psychology of change has proven that self-affirmations are a powerful way to improve your mindset daily. When you rewire your thinking in that way, your feelings of self-worth will intensify.
Coach yourself and your trainees to start developing new positive beliefs about the power of one's ability to enhance their performance dramatically. This positive affirmations set will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox.
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements that you can use to remind, encourage, and motivate yourself about the unlimited resources you have within. As a part of our everyday life, we remember to affirm others more often than ourselves, but as a fact, on a psychological level we need to remember to encourage ourselves often as well.
When you use affirmations, this does not mean to convince yourself of something you do not believe about yourself yet, pushing in this direction this can make you feel worse. Instead, positive affirmations are there to remind you of the values and interests that have always existed in your core self or core expectations. Self-affirmations would encourage you to think positively about the essential things you need in your life. When you reflect on matters that you know and believe are deeply important about yourself and your life, it is imperative to find affirmations that resonate with you.
People have a fundamental need to maintain their self-integrity and sense of personal adequacy. In rough times when certain situations threaten your self-integrity, this will ultimately arouse stress levels and over-protective triggers that can hamper performance and growth. However, an intervention such as a self-affirmation, can disrupt these adverse reactions. It is because these interventions bring about a more expansive vision of the limitless resourcefulness you may carry within yourself and had almost forgotten. Repeating positive affirmations in a timely and consistent manner has been shown to improve education, health, and relationship outcomes, with benefits that sometimes persist on the long term. You will find positive feedback looping between the self-system and the social system that ripples in positive adaptive outcomes over time.
Affirmations are positive statements that you can use to remind, encourage, and motivate yourself about the unlimited resources you have within. As a part of our everyday life, we remember to affirm others more often than ourselves, but as a fact, on a psychological level we need to remember to encourage ourselves often as well.
When you use affirmations, this does not mean to convince yourself of something you do not believe about yourself yet, pushing in this direction this can make you feel worse. Instead, positive affirmations are there to remind you of the values and interests that have always existed in your core self or core expectations. Self-affirmations would encourage you to think positively about the essential things you need in your life. When you reflect on matters that you know and believe are deeply important about yourself and your life, it is imperative to find affirmations that resonate with you.
People have a fundamental need to maintain their self-integrity and sense of personal adequacy. In rough times when certain situations threaten your self-integrity, this will ultimately arouse stress levels and over-protective triggers that can hamper performance and growth. However, an intervention such as a self-affirmation, can disrupt these adverse reactions. It is because these interventions bring about a more expansive vision of the limitless resourcefulness you may carry within yourself and had almost forgotten. Repeating positive affirmations in a timely and consistent manner has been shown to improve education, health, and relationship outcomes, with benefits that sometimes persist on the long term. You will find positive feedback looping between the self-system and the social system that ripples in positive adaptive outcomes over time.
How To Use Affirmations:
You can write them down in your journal, or say them out loud in front of a mirror, or repeat them in your head like a mantra during meditation. You need to choose two to three affirmations that resonate with you most and decide which way is best to repeat these lines.
Here are some essential points to remember while you use positive affirmations to boost your daily routine or make your sessions more powerful and effective.
These are simple tips for starting, but you will find your own unique style as you practice:
1. Check your mood first. How are you feeling? Emotional? Excited, calm, positive, a bit down? Physically – a little tired, maybe? Relax and get
started - say your affirmations slowly, breathe, relax, and experience the transformation in your consciousness. See how you feel, see how your emotions are, do you already feel positive, negative, a little tired - take note.
2. Mornings are best after you wake up, if possible. You will have a positive start to the day when you feel relaxed, positive, and motivated about your goals and ambitions. Stand tall, relax your shoulders, and take a confident standing position. Or you can stand in front of a mirror and face yourself as you talk. Adjust your tone and posture - always stand straight and comfortably. You might find yourself feeling awkward, but this will decrease as you get used to it with practice.
3. Have your affirmations where you can see them - written down or printed out – you might have memorized some, but for a new set, you need to see them.
4. Say them one by one, in a slow, confident tone of voice– as you mean it as you believe it, and as if it is accurate or has already happened. Speak slowly and confidently, take your time, and do not rush your words. Pronounce and comprehend each one correctly and speak with feeling.
5. Be consistent- try to establish a daily routine that you can stick to. Say your affirmations twice a day. The other excellent time for positive affirmations is before going to bed. This practice ensures that you have positive thoughts in your mind as you go to sleep - you are thinking about your goals, and these will seep into your subconscious mind and solidify as you sleep.
6. After you print affirmations that most resonate with you, pin them around your house - on the fridge, in your school/work/gym locker, inside your bathroom cabinet, anywhere you will often see them. When you see the affirmations more often, you will be more reminded throughout the day and stay positive and focused on your goals. When you constantly remember your affirmations and goals, you can accelerate your results, and as a result, you are always focused and develop a complete consciousness around achieving success.
If you find trouble concentrating, stay focused, or stopping your mind from wandering in the beginning. All you need to know are three things:
You can write them down in your journal, or say them out loud in front of a mirror, or repeat them in your head like a mantra during meditation. You need to choose two to three affirmations that resonate with you most and decide which way is best to repeat these lines.
Here are some essential points to remember while you use positive affirmations to boost your daily routine or make your sessions more powerful and effective.
These are simple tips for starting, but you will find your own unique style as you practice:
1. Check your mood first. How are you feeling? Emotional? Excited, calm, positive, a bit down? Physically – a little tired, maybe? Relax and get
started - say your affirmations slowly, breathe, relax, and experience the transformation in your consciousness. See how you feel, see how your emotions are, do you already feel positive, negative, a little tired - take note.
2. Mornings are best after you wake up, if possible. You will have a positive start to the day when you feel relaxed, positive, and motivated about your goals and ambitions. Stand tall, relax your shoulders, and take a confident standing position. Or you can stand in front of a mirror and face yourself as you talk. Adjust your tone and posture - always stand straight and comfortably. You might find yourself feeling awkward, but this will decrease as you get used to it with practice.
3. Have your affirmations where you can see them - written down or printed out – you might have memorized some, but for a new set, you need to see them.
4. Say them one by one, in a slow, confident tone of voice– as you mean it as you believe it, and as if it is accurate or has already happened. Speak slowly and confidently, take your time, and do not rush your words. Pronounce and comprehend each one correctly and speak with feeling.
5. Be consistent- try to establish a daily routine that you can stick to. Say your affirmations twice a day. The other excellent time for positive affirmations is before going to bed. This practice ensures that you have positive thoughts in your mind as you go to sleep - you are thinking about your goals, and these will seep into your subconscious mind and solidify as you sleep.
6. After you print affirmations that most resonate with you, pin them around your house - on the fridge, in your school/work/gym locker, inside your bathroom cabinet, anywhere you will often see them. When you see the affirmations more often, you will be more reminded throughout the day and stay positive and focused on your goals. When you constantly remember your affirmations and goals, you can accelerate your results, and as a result, you are always focused and develop a complete consciousness around achieving success.
If you find trouble concentrating, stay focused, or stopping your mind from wandering in the beginning. All you need to know are three things:
- That this is normal - EVERYONE experiences some kind of resistance as such when they start practicing.
- To move past this, keep practicing. Hang on.
- If you practice every day for just 5-10 minutes, you will see an improvement within a week, and if you keep at it, you will notice a dramatic improvement within a month.
- When you use affirmations in combination with visualizations, this will increase the effectiveness of both. By visualizing your affirmations, you can make them more real in your mind. Include mental visualization, using as many of your five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) as possible.
- Attach positive emotions to your affirmations. Think about how achieving your goal will make you feel, or think about how good it feels to know that you are good at something. Emotion is the fuel, which makes affirmations more powerful.
- You could use an affirmation as a password.
- Ask friends to give you an affirmation; for example, "Maryanne, you are eating such healthy meals. You must feel great." Self-affirmations are valuable precisely because they free you from reliance on others' approval, but affirmations from others can be just as beneficial as negative scripts from others are harmful.
- If you find it difficult to believe that an affirmation will materialize, add "I choose to" affirmation. "I choose to be at my healthy weight," for example, or "I choose to maintain a healthy weight easily and effortlessly."
- If you do not want people to know about your affirmations, place your reminders in discreet locations; however, that it's important that you see them as frequently as possible.
Don't let other people be your judge. Some people see the negatives all the time and tend to say things to you such as: "I don't think you will cope". Do not let them weaken your spirit, do not pay attention to them. Do not be discouraged if your affirmations do not seem to help at first. Instead, think about how you are using them. Do you believe them? If you do not believe the affirmations, they can still be effective, but it will take longer. If you are tired of waiting, make sure your goals are attainable and set reasonable expectations for when you want to attain them. Use affirmations to counteract harmful scripts or to accomplish small goals, and you will eventually develop the confidence to tackle bigger issues. Affirmations are not a quick fix to all your problems. Do not expect a miracle, especially not overnight. It may have taken years for you to accept harmful scripts in your self-image fully; it will take time to change how you feel about yourself, as well. If you find yourself simply parroting the words of your affirmations, instead of concentrating on their meaning, change affirmations. You can still affirm the same goals or characteristics, of course, but rephrasing your affirmations can stimulate their effectiveness.
Don't let other people be your judge. Some people see the negatives all the time and tend to say things to you such as: "I don't think you will cope". Do not let them weaken your spirit, do not pay attention to them. Do not be discouraged if your affirmations do not seem to help at first. Instead, think about how you are using them. Do you believe them? If you do not believe the affirmations, they can still be effective, but it will take longer. If you are tired of waiting, make sure your goals are attainable and set reasonable expectations for when you want to attain them. Use affirmations to counteract harmful scripts or to accomplish small goals, and you will eventually develop the confidence to tackle bigger issues. Affirmations are not a quick fix to all your problems. Do not expect a miracle, especially not overnight. It may have taken years for you to accept harmful scripts in your self-image fully; it will take time to change how you feel about yourself, as well. If you find yourself simply parroting the words of your affirmations, instead of concentrating on their meaning, change affirmations. You can still affirm the same goals or characteristics, of course, but rephrasing your affirmations can stimulate their effectiveness.
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