Train The Trainer Templates Bundle
A significant benefit of using ready-to-use templates while coaching, training, or facilitating is that they provide your clients with a comprehensive standard framework based on experts' best practices. In essence, templates simplify your participants' tasks while executing the business, improving their processes and operations. This high-quality bundle will help your clients operate smoothly to strengthen their practical skills in training needs analysis, preparing for training programs, effective program execution skills, results follow-up skills, and customer follow-up skills.
This bundle has twelve templates suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each template will be in either a word-digital-file or excel format, is customizable and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. To buy all the Templates, hit the buy button at the bottom of the page. To read more on each category, hit the sub-headers or click single products.
This is a simple and easy template to quickly assess how effective your training program was and if your trainees were satisfied.
This sheet is used by the trainee's supervisor before the training is conducted to assess their communication, problem-solving, and team-building skills.
This is a customizable template for clients to report any issues or complaints they have during the training process. This template adds to your credibility as a training provider by allowing your clients to voice their feedback, expectations, and suggestions.
Using this form makes it easy and simple for your clients to add only the data required to apply for your training programs or courses. This form is quick, easy, and simple to understand and use.
This is a template for trainees to evaluate their trainer's performance, program content, administrative staff interaction, and training facility. A useful tool for getting your clients' feedback on areas of strength, or where improvement is needed.
A template used to gather important data from your clients once their application for training has been accepted and payment requirements completed. It collects all the detailed contacts and feedback necessary to keep you connected throughout, and after your training is completed.
A fast, easy, and simple spreadsheet to help you organize and track your applicants so you can make them clients. A time-saving tool for sharing and coordinating data across your administration team.
An Excel table to automatically calculate the percentage score for a trainer in any program based on the trainees' evaluation. Also, this spreadsheet calculates the weighted score for the overall satisfaction percentage of trainees for the training program as a whole.
A professional A4 portrait customizable certificate template for your trainees to receive after completing their training.
A professional and simple contract template for assigning the scope of work and financial terms between the client and the trainer.
A professional, customizable template for recording daily or weekly attendance for trainees
A customizable template for advertising training programs, courses, workshops, and all-purpose training events.