Leadership Templates Bundle
A significant benefit of using ready-to-use templates while coaching, training, or facilitating is that they provide your clients with a comprehensive standard framework based on experts' best practices. In essence, templates simplify your participants' tasks while executing the business, improving their processes and operations. This high-quality bundle will help your clients operate smoothly to strengthen their practical skills in leading teams, reaching goals, aligning business goals, assessing skills inventory, assigning roles, staffing, and channelling effective communication across teams.
This bundle has seventeen templates suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each template will be in either a word-digital-file or excel format, is customizable and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. To buy all the Templates, hit the buy button at the bottom of the page. To read more on each category, hit the sub-headers or click single products.
This uses results to indicate the ability of a team member to lead others and reach goals.
This template will help business owners design a plan for a unified set of goals to reach their "Best Succession Scenario."
This template will help you understand the goals you need to reach after a presentation and who will help you get there.
This worksheet is designed to help you begin exploring your personal goals in succession planning.
This worksheet is also referred to as the 168-hour scan, It allows you to review how you spent your time last week.
This checklist helps the team responsible for succession cover all the provisional steps to ensure things work out as planned by the business owner.
This template is for the business owners and other decision-makers involved in the succession planning, to scan the potential team member's profiles first and examine if they are eligible.
This template will help you identify the stakeholders who can affect the progress of your project along with their goals and requirements.
This template is for analyzing the skills and requirements needed for an employee to get promoted.
This template helps succession management teams assess if an employee, who is a potential management successor, seems to be settling in to lead, or leave.
This template will help managers and supervisors know if they have missed passing on or collecting any important information that they need before they can effectively manage their team's performance.
This exit interview template helps managers understand major factors in the work environment that influence employee behavior in companies and corporations.
This customizable template helps the project managers and relevant team members understand the priorities of key stakeholders and factors that are crucial for them in order to approve the success of a project. A great tool to use in managing and preventing conflict.
This worksheet can be used to record the resources and needs, as well as the challenges, of training. It will also help you identify other requirements and resources such as funding, people, and documentation.
Describes when and how human resources will be brought into and taken off of the project team.
The purpose of this matrix is to assign activities to particular departments or individuals, define roles and responsibilities, and outline relationships between groups. This matrix should be completed early in project planning before resources are allocated or scheduled.
A simple plan that organizes timely business communication between team members, highlighting specific tasks, communication paths, frequency, and delivery deadlines.