Positive Affirmations for Performance Enhancement Bundle
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These are positive affirmations or phrases you repeat to describe how you would like to feel. Help train yourself and your trainees to start developing new positive beliefs about the power of one's ability to enhance their performance dramatically. Take the first step to change your behavior by boosting your confidence in yourself by repeating positive self-talk. Let your new vision sink into your subconscious. You will be amazed by the results! Go ahead and share these with your client to help them rewire their minds and use them yourself to refresh your positive energy!
Check the variety of categories we have onboard. This bundle has eighteen positive affirmations. Each positive affirmation will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. To buy all the positive affirmations, hit the buy button at the bottom of the page. To read more on each category, hit the sub-headers or click single products.
Check the variety of categories we have onboard. This bundle has eighteen positive affirmations. Each positive affirmation will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. To buy all the positive affirmations, hit the buy button at the bottom of the page. To read more on each category, hit the sub-headers or click single products.
These affirmations have been designed to help you develop strong confidence when speaking in front of large groups of people while enjoying the experience. A user guide is included.
Use these positive daily Affirmations to assist you in making reasonable and sensible decisions by sinking in your subconscious mind the belief that you have the power to expand and stretch your logical thinking skills. A user guide is included.
These positive affirmations will counteract any negativity or fear and keep your mind focused on taking action. They are effective in the short term, and they can also be used on a daily basis to gradually reprogram your mind for long term change. A user guide is included.
These affirmations will help you trust the Universe is giving you what you want. You will start rewiring your brain to perceive the fact that everything works out perfectly for you and that you are totally worthy of receiving and manifesting your desires. A user guide is included
These powerful affirmations will be your tools to manifest your dreams, get your heart in the right place, build your confidence, and keep you motivated. A user guide is included.
These affirmations will help you to become more productive, and take back control of your time and your outcomes. A user guide is included.
Enhancing your common sense will lead you to quick, easy, and correct answers common sense isn’t quite as simplistic as it sounds. Modern distractions too often hinder our abilities to see what’s right in front of us, and our second-nature instincts become distracted with simplistic technology tools we got accustomed to relying on. These affirmations will you rediscover your common sense and be able to find shortcuts to logical findings. A user guide is included.
The positive affirmations are to improve your management skills while maintaining your work-life balance. Begin helping yourself visualize the quality of life that you want! A user guide is included.
Start practicing these affirmations now to ensure you stay highly focused and capable of concentrating. Gain a sense of control and accomplishment when you zoom in on all that you wish to do. A user guide is included.
These affirmations will help you unleash your creative talents and ability to create something meaningful out of random or unasserted resources. A user guide is included.
These affirmations will help you organize your thoughts and make you see a crystal clear vision about the true purpose of your life. A user guide is included.
increase the These positive affirmations enhances the quality of your reading time and make gushing through your favorite material like a breeze. Practicing these lines will allow you to develop this skill effortlessly, leaving you plenty of energy and time. A user guide is included.
These powerful positive affirmations will influence your thinking, helping you tap into your memory's full potential. Repeating them will allow your memory to get stronger and stronger every day. You will notice how this will lead to you developing a naturally high level of concentration and focus. A user guide is included.
These positive affirmations will help reprogram your mind for sales success and to become the top salesperson in your company. A user guide is included.
These positive affirmations will help you fully absorb, assimilate and utilize the blessed intelligence which heals and empowers you completely. They will rebuild your faith in your logic and intelligence that inevitably lead you to higher ground. A user guide is included.
These affirmations will help you believe in yourself and your goal and are little, easy, simple steps towards your achieving what you see as purposeful, rewarding, and fulfilling. A user guide is included.
These positive affirmations can help you in your day-to-day analysis of situations and can develop your mind to be more open to new ideas. You will also be able to explore your critical thinking skills so you can raise intelligent questions and formulate answers. A user guide is included.
These positive affirmations will help you to manage your time more effectively, plan ahead, and simply become more efficient and productive in all areas of your life. A user guide is included.