Positive Affirmations to Beat Addiction Bundle
These are positive affirmations or phrases you repeat to describe how you would like to feel. Help train yourself and your trainees to develop new positive beliefs about their ability to beat and crush addictions. Take the first step to change your behavior by boosting your confidence in yourself by repeating positive self-talk. Let your new vision sink into your subconscious. You will be amazed by the results! Go ahead and share these with your client to help them rewire their minds and use them yourself to refresh your positive energy!
Check the variety of categories we have onboard. This bundle has six positive affirmations. Each positive affirmation will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. To buy all the positive affirmations, hit the buy button at the bottom of the page. To read more on each category, hit the sub-headers or click single products.
A set of effective positive affirmations to help you quit drinking alcohol so you can take control of your life & gain your willpower back. A user guide is included.
Use these positive affirmations to help addicts use as they work through the recovery process. A user guide is included.
These positive affirmations to help you quit smoking We will begin with your current state of cigarette addiction and bring you to a relaxed state of calm awareness. Repeat these lines and start pushing all your cigarette cravings away. A user guide is included.
These affirmations will help you have power over your obsessive thoughts and will help you regain control again with perseverance. Repeating these affirmations daily will assist you to override your thoughts with measurable mental force. A user guide is included.
Defeat Computer Games Addiction Affirmations by wiring your mind to positive daily Affirmations for computer game non-stop lovers to resist and think twice before installing the next game application. A user guide is included.
These positive affirmations will influence your thinking, helping you regain your self-control and strength to resist the lure of gambling, building constructive new habits that will lead to restoring your personal freedom. A user guide is included.