One-Time VIP Visitor Ticket - GSELE 2023 Dr. Stephanie Atkinson Alston
Date: Friday, June 23, 2023
Time: 6-7 p.m. PST via ZOOM
“Cultivating Self-Awareness for Effective Leadership”
As a leader today, it is ever so extremely important to foster and embrace continued personal and professional development. If nothing else, the Pandemic of 2020 magnified the cliché “if you continue to do the same thing, you will get the same results, also known as insanity.” Simply to survive, traditional businesses, entrepreneurs, restaurants, retail stores, grocery chains, and institutions of education rapidly had to shift their operations. They not only had to think out of the box, they needed to shift to non-conventional approaches to conducting business rapidly. Many times, these shifts were made without precedence rather quick “simple” fixes, implementations, and executions were necessary for survival.
Furthermore, either you or your organization are reflecting and questioning on what you could have done differently for better outcomes. Perhaps, examining previous practices and policies was a good place to start. Now is the time to cultivate your personal and professional self-awareness for the most effective leadership of the future.
Who should attend: Anyone who is ready: 1) to unlock their full management and leadership potential, 2) seeking upward employment mobility to increase income, and 3) ready to embark on a transformative leadership journey.
Together we will discuss:
- Understanding the importance of self-reflection in leadership development,
- Practical techniques for enhancing self-awareness, and
- The impact of self-awareness on leadership effectiveness.
What you will get: an extended opportunity to obtain evidence-based coaching in a collaborative, confidential environment. This coaching can be tailored to either individual or group engagement.