Smart Exercises Bundle
Exercises improve learning because using them in your program optimizes your participants' mindset to improve alertness, attention, and motivation. Second, Exercises help the brain get ready to learn while being questioned and make retaining information easy.
This useful bundle will help your clients enhance their skills in Communication, Leadership and Team Building, Training Trainers, Anger Management, Time Management, Marketing and Branding, Decision Making and Problem Solving, Project Management, Influence, and Persuasion.
This bundle has twenty-eight exercises suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each workout will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. To buy all the Exercises, hit the buy button at the bottom of the page. To read more on each category, hit the sub-headers or click single products.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS EXERCISES: Exercises improve learning because using them in your program optimizes your participants' mindset to improve alertness, attention, and motivation. Second, Exercises help the brain get ready to learn while being questioned and makes retaining information easy.
This useful bundle will help your clients expand their communication skills, developing written, verbal, and body language to influence others, enhancing confidence while communicating with others, and building rapport. This bundle has ten exercises suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each workout will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. (Edit Extreme - Photoshot - Modern Combat- Mix and Fix - Snip it - Gotcha - Communication Intro Quiz - Attention Grabber - Mind Monster - Speech Correction Set) |
ANGER MANAGEMENT AND RELAXATION EXERCISES: Exercises improve learning because using them in your program optimizes your participants' mindset to improve alertness, attention, and motivation. Second, Exercises help the brain get ready to learn while being questioned and makes retaining information easy.
This useful bundle will help your clients expand their Anger Management skills, Anchoring positive thinking, releasing the tension, and overcoming worry or stress. This bundle has six exercises suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each workout will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. ( Reckless - Anger Log - Deep Relaxation Intro - Happy Haaa - Fantasy Rush - Tension Buster ) |
PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXERCISES: Exercises improve learning because using them in your program optimizes your participants' mindset to improve alertness, attention, and motivation. Second, Exercises help the brain get ready to learn while being questioned and makes retaining information easy.
This useful bundle will help your clients expand their Project Management skills, keeping up with stakeholders' expectations, recognizing the critical path, and recognizing skill gaps in team members. This bundle has five exercises suitable for face-to-face or online training. Each workout will be in a word-digital-file format, is customizable, and re-brandable based on your business requirements. Upon checkout, you will immediately receive the product in your email inbox. ( Planning Frenzy - Simulator - Replica - Project Builder - Busted ) |
NLP AND MEMORY EXERCISES: Exercise in store ( Esteem Tester )
TEAM BUILDING EXERCISES: Exercise in store ( Duty Driver )
INFLUENCE AND PERSUASION EXERCISES: Exercise in store ( Modern Combat )