marketing_to_millennials.pdf |
It seems everyone is trying to understand the Millennials, even the Millennials themselves.
Even the age range for Millennials is a center of debate. Generally, anyone born between 1984 and 2004 can be lumped into the Millennial category. But many argue that it’s not so much the dates that are important but rather behavioral characteristics. This would mean that a Gen Xer could be called a Millennial by virtue of his affinity for SnapChat, craft coffee, and tight jeans (especially if he had a tidy handlebar mustache). Needless to say, not everyone is in agreement with that definition, either.
But it does raise an important point for marketers: “Millennial” is a very complicated concept that they need to understand in order to connect with their clients. The people in this bracket are quickly becoming the key buyers and decision makers of today. On a daily basis, they spend more than any other bracket.
A particular set of behaviors and interests define “Millennial” (which we’ll explore in this guide). Some historical context helps, too:
They grew up with the internet, and are used to a world where every answer is at their fingertips.
In 2007, when the iPhone was introduced, the oldest Millennials were freshly out of college, and the youngest of them were still in diapers.
The ones born in 1988 or later were able to have a Facebook account in high school.
Half of Millennials have never lived in a world without Amazon (founded 1994).
Let’s talk about how to reach them.