Make it stop! You try to look away, but you can’t. It calls out like an alarm, a constant reminder of missed opportunities, a collection of budding relationships cut short.
No, we’re not talking about a slideshow of your former sweethearts. This regret is that dusty stack of business cards from your last business conference.
You know how it goes. You discover an outstanding event, and you get pumped up. You know you’ll gain inspiration and knowledge. You’ll develop powerful connections with influential people, maybe even find a new client or two. “It’s a business investment,” you tell yourself.
The event is terrific! It’s energizing. You meet new people. You gain skills and tactics to grow your business. By the end, your pockets bulge with a bounty of business cards. You plan to follow up the moment you get home.
But when you finally cross the threshold to your office, you automatically hit the “back to reality” button. Invoices are piled up, clients need attention, and a major project is nearing its deadline. And so the business cards collect in the corner of your desk drawer. You’ll get to them when you have some spare time. (Which really means never, right?)
Sound familiar? Are you ready to leverage conferences as an opportunity to bring in new leads and actually turn them into clients? Then this playbook is for you.
Read on to gain top strategies for maximizing the potential of conferences. These tips will help you bring in new leads, follow up the right way, and save time. Sound good? Let’s get started!