Coaches in Transition...
Divya Parekh, Leadership and Business Influence Coach with Expertise in Building Message & Influence Mastery || CEO The DP Group Business Relationship and Leadership Coaching, is here to help you learn how to rediscover what it is you want for your life, how to put a plan into place and how to make it happen. By following some very simple steps that i will coach you on, you will understand the process and be able to finally reach the success and satisfaction you deserve. Isn’t it time that you finally get back on track toward your goals, and turn them into reality? Just imagine the fulfillment and satisfaction you’ll experience!
In today’s highly aggressive economic climate, achieving your dreams requires focused effort on how to differentiate your talents so you stand out in a sea of competitive sharks. Its about Managing Risk, and Developing a Style that “POPS”. We provide a unique experience that uses the power you innately possess as fertile ground. After personal consultation, we create your own distinct personal strategy, specifically tailored towards the pursuit of YOUR dreams for sustained success and happiness. We work as your Personal Partner to manage risk. Managing, rather than avoiding risk, preparing you to face new challenges as you grow. So it becomes a life cycle of seeing risk as your ally. Everyone knows “that person” in business who has the perfect style that gets them what they want, where they want it, and when they want it – they have clout, salesmanship, and grace, all wrapped up in one stylish package.
In today’s highly aggressive economic climate, achieving your dreams requires focused effort on how to differentiate your talents so you stand out in a sea of competitive sharks. Its about Managing Risk, and Developing a Style that “POPS”. We provide a unique experience that uses the power you innately possess as fertile ground. After personal consultation, we create your own distinct personal strategy, specifically tailored towards the pursuit of YOUR dreams for sustained success and happiness. We work as your Personal Partner to manage risk. Managing, rather than avoiding risk, preparing you to face new challenges as you grow. So it becomes a life cycle of seeing risk as your ally. Everyone knows “that person” in business who has the perfect style that gets them what they want, where they want it, and when they want it – they have clout, salesmanship, and grace, all wrapped up in one stylish package.
Attention Management™ Phone CoachingAttention Management is a useful skill that allows you to connect with others on an emotional level and motivate them to focus on their work and reach their personal, organizational and professional goals. You will gain valuable insight and strategies, learn more... Developing New Managers For Organizational Success ™ Phone CoachingThe Coach your Employees on Organizational Success program focuses on how to coach your employees so that they perform better. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals. How well you coach is related directly to your ability. Learn more... |
Effective Boss™ Phone CoachingWith our How to be an Effective Boss program, you will begin to see how important it is to develop better managerial skills. By looking at the way people interact and seeing things in a new light, you will improve almost every aspect of their jobs, learn more... Internet Marketing™ Phone CoachingThe internet has forever changed the way the people shop and conduct business. Even experienced marketing professionals need help navigating the pitfalls of internet marketing. Integrating the marketing techniques with modern technology is essential, learn more... |
MIllennial Onboarding™ Phone CoachingMillennial Onboarding is a specialized type of employee onboarding. With Millennials we are seeing a need to tweak the onboarding process to better suit the needs of the company and new hires. This will increase productivity and produce a happier, learn more... |
Maximizing Personal Productivity-- this is a goal most of us have. Through this program you will be on the right track to achieve that goal. Some people blame everything that goes wrong in their life on something or someone else, but through this program, learn more... |
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