Have you just published your book – or are you about to? Congratulations! Only a fraction of people who start a book get this far – but writing and publishing a book is only part of the process. Your book will be competing with millions of others and you need to do some marketing to bring attention to it – and you.
Get Your Book Edited
Proofreading and Copy Editing whether you are self-publishing or following a more traditional route to market, you need to ensure your book is typo-free. Readers are very critical of poorly edited books and even a few small errors can make all the difference between success and failure for your book. Get your book proof read and edited now.
If your book is more than 100 pages ask for a quote on your book . Only $600
(Per 100 pages) |
Get Your Book Published on Amazon and KindleKindle is the most popular format for ebooks – out of every 10 ebooks sold 8 are for the Kindle ereaders or the many Kindle apps that are available. However, formatting for Kindle is not as simple as uploading a Word file. There are all sorts of issues that need to be addressed to ensure your book displays properly on every device. My Kindle formatting process ensures your paragraphs, headers, images and more.
Divya Parekh will coach you throughout in 3 Sessions, 40 minutes each online training.
Only $800 Publicity and Media Package Only $1,800